1. Definition of Terms:
   a. "Contest": [Exquisite MY TURN Contest]
   b. "Participant": [an individual uploading an audio file through this website]
   c. "Voice Submission": [audio file of the participants voice]
2. Grant of Rights:
   a. Participants agree to grant Exquisite a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, and distribute their voice submission for the purpose of creating promotional materials for Exquisite.
   b. Participants acknowledge that their voice submission may be used in promotional materials, advertisements, and other marketing activities related to the game and/or brand.
3. Ownership and Intellectual Property:
   a. Participants affirm that they own the rights to the voice submission or have obtained the necessary permissions and releases from any third parties involved.
   b. Participants agree that Exquisite shall own all intellectual property rights to the commercials and marketing materials created using their voice submission.
4. Exclusivity and Non-Retractability:
   a. Participants understand and agree that once they submit their voice submission, they cannot retract or withdraw it from the contest.
   b. Participants acknowledge that their voice submission may be used by the contest organizer even if they are not selected as a winner.
5. Compensation and Consideration:
   a. Participants understand that if their voice is used in a commercial for Exquisite they will receive a physical copy of the card game upon its release as compensation for granting the rights to their voice submission.
   b. Participants acknowledge that they will not receive any monetary compensation, royalties, or additional benefits other than a physical copy of the card game.
6. Indemnification:
   a. Participants agree to indemnify and hold Exquisite harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising out of or in connection with their voice submission or the use of their voice submission as outlined in the agreement.
7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
   a. The agreement shall be governed by the laws of California, and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in California.
8. Severability:
   a. If any provision of the agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.