In the world of Exquisite, victory demands strategy.

There are many games to play with Exquisite cards. For now, we’re Off to the Races or fighting for our lives in the Battle Royale!

This is just the beginning. As our community grows, we'll unleash more symbols, fresh art, and new ways to play!

Hit the ground running with this quick and easy party game.

Players draw up to 6 cards in their hand each turn - place one, draw one. Got too many? Discard down to 6!

Play clockwise and BUILD as much as you like.

Turn actions: BUILD A CARD or PLAY A BUILD.

Anytime you complete a new build on your turn, you can play its ACTIONS as free action. This includes adding a card to an existing build or framing a card in an existing build.

The first player with 4 Complete Builds of 3 cards or more on their board wins!

Ready? Set… GO!

Playtime approx 20-30 min 2-3 Players

4-6 players, the first player to 3 builds of 3 cards or more, wins. Approx 45-60min

Suggested board setup. Builds face opponents so they know what they’re up against.

Unleash your armies and clash for survival in epic showdowns!

But hold your fire until everyone has complete 6 Builds – then it's all-out war!

The last player standing with a complete Build emerges victorious!

Playtime approx 45 - 60 min 2-4 players 6 Builds Max.

5-6 players 4-5 Builds Max.

Suggested board setup. Builds face opponents so they know what they’re up against.

There are only 2 margins, THIN and WIDE.

To BUILD, Cards must connect at either margin.

You can BUILD on any player's board.

A Character is complete with at least a top and bottom card.

Cards with a Roman numeral two on them can build at both margins

Symbols vary in size and style with different colors, patterns, or outlines but are always noticeable.

These symbols are “baked” into the artwork so don’t expect to see them in the same spot.

You’ll find’em everywhere like belt buckles, tattoos, graffiti, road signs, and more. They're the iconic language of Exquisite, revealing the card's special powers.

Keep your eyes peeled! Cards can have multiple symbols.

Symbols fall into 3 categories: Actions for your turn, Reactions against other players actions, and Information.

Only Complete builds can play actions

Incomplete builds can play reactions


FIGHT an entire build with Triangles

Each triangle in your attacking build means one less for your opponent’s. Careful now, it's a two-way street! If they have triangles, you're losing cards too. Attacking players choose which cards they fight. Only complete builds can fight complete builds. A single triangle does 1 damage and a Double Triangle (pictured here) does 2 damage. If a player chooses to fight, they declare which of their cards are attacking another player, the defending player can then play reactions in response. Any undisputed attacks are resolved.

Targets SHOOT.

Pop a card off a rival’s board. Unlike a fight, there’s no return fire and you can shoot at incomplete builds.

Happy blasting!

SWITCH things up with a double-sided arrow

Cards with this symbol can switch places with a fitting mate. If it switches with the discard symbol, reach into the junk and pull out a winner.

Switching with a stack? Grab it all! Don’t get greedy! Switches can only play once per turn.


BANG FRAMES interrupt!

A Bang (!) is an interruption card. They crash into play directly from your hand. Anyone can interrupt as long as it changes the impact of another player’s intended action.

SHIELDS defend.

Blank shields block an attack (triangle or shoot) while shields with symbols defend against those symbols. They're like armor for your builds, but you gotta lose’m to use’m! Discard a shield from your board to absorb damage towards another card. A single shield defends against one damage, (pictured here) a double shield defense against two damage on a single build. If your shield is targeted directly, you can’t use it to defend another. Shields only defend against builds on your board.

HEARTS save.

Anytime any card gets Discarded, discard a heart in place to give it a fresh start in your hand.


Some cards are meant to be DISCARDED

And it’s because they have powerful effects.

A DISCARD symbol plays as an action but if it has a bang inside it plays as a reaction.

A COMPASS keeps you oriented

A compass with a single arrow will always point to the top of the card, but a double arrow (more common) lets you play it upside down too.

Add to a build with a PLUS

Add a Plus symbol between cards to make a build taller and give it extra abilities.

II’s have it both ways.

Build at the THIN or WIDE margin.

PROOF cards.

These cards are immune to a variety of things. Fight proof cards are immune to triangle attacks. Shoot proof cards are immune to any target attacks. Text proof cards are immune to any text power. Frame proof cards cannot be framed. Death Proof cards are immune to all attacks.

Unique Text

These cards often create new rules.

CAN’T cards.

These cards remove certain powers and often affect the entire build.